
540 Young Men and Women Ordained at Preah In Tep Pagoda in Siem Reap

Some 540 young men and women have been ordained at Preah In Tep pagoda in Angkor Thom, Siem Reap provincial city.

The event, taking place on May 18, was part of the Visak Bochea celebration being held at the pagoda from May 18 to 23, 2024, with the primary aim of fostering closer connections between the younger generation and Buddhism, according to the APSARA National Authority.

The ceremony was presided over by Venerable Chum Kim Leng, Siem Reap province’s Mohanikaya sect chief monk and Chairman of the Council of Monks on Angkor Pagoda Affairs; Lok Chumteav Nhem Sakhorn SarKheng, Lok Chumteav Ke Suon Sophy SarSokha and Mr. Ngov Sengkak, Deputy Governor of Siem Reap, with many Buddhist followers in attendance.

Cambodia is going to celebrate the annual Visak Bochea Day, one of the biggest Buddhist ceremonies, on May 22.

Visak Bochea Day, which is a birth, enlightenment, and nirvana day of Master Buddha, for the Buddhist countries, including Cambodia, was internationally recognised by the United Nations in
2000. It is a public holiday and an occasion where the Buddhist followers are reminded of Buddha and his teachings.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse