Medical Care

PH Covid-19 positivity rate down to 7.4%: OCTA

The country’s positivity rate, or the number of individuals testing positive for the coronavirus disease 2019 (Covid-19), decreased to 7.4 percent as of June 29. OCTA Research Group Fellow Dr. Guido David, over Twitter on Thursday, noted the figure is a 1.5-point decrease from last week’s 8.9 percent (June 22) positivity rate. Citing latest data from the Department of Health (DOH), David said the country logged 503 new infections, which brought the overall tally to 4,164,360 with 7,896 active cases. ‘(About) 131 of the new cases (are from the) National Capital Region. Projecting 300 to 400 new cases on June 30,’ David said. The country also logged 384 new recoveries, bringing the total number of recoveries to 4,089,980. About 66,484 individuals have died from Covid-19 since January 2020. The DOH continues to remind the public to get vaccinated, receive their booster shots, and observe public health standards such as wearing of face masks, physical distancing and frequent handwashing. At least 78,443,972 or 100.4 percent of the country’s target population (78,100,578) have been vaccinated against Covid-19 while 23,811,248 have received booster shots as of March 19.

Source: Philippines News Agency