
Russia Welcomes Cambodia’s Successful National Election

The Russian Federation congratulated Cambodia on the successful organisation of the July 23 National Election while reiterating its intention to tighten its relationship and cooperation with the Kingdom.

“We welcome the successful elections in Cambodia and reaffirm our intention to further strengthen the relations of traditional friendship, mutual respect and cooperation with Phnom Penh, including the inter-parliamentary dimension,” said the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation in a press release issued on July 26.

On July 23, it recalled, the Kingdom of Cambodia held the general elections to the 7th mandate of the National Assembly. 18 political parties competed for votes and seats in the lower house of parliament.

The elections proceeded calmly, with a high turnout (over 84 percent) of voters. According to preliminary estimates, the Cambodian People’s Party won the largest number of seats, said the same source, adding that the National Election Committee plans to make an official announcement on the results from Aug. 9 to Sept. 4.

“According to representatives of the Central Election Commission and the Civic Chamber of the Russian Federation, who participated as the international observers, the necessary transparency was ensured in the process of expressing the people’s will and counting votes, with no violations reported,” underlined the press release.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse