
Anti-Palm Oil Campaign: WTO Approves Panel To Examine EU Delegated Regulation – Msian Minister

KUALA LUMPUR— Malaysia’s application for the setting up of a panel to examine the steps taken by the European Union (EU) in the implementation of the Delegated Regulation under the European Union Renewable Energy Directive 2018/2001 (EU RED II) has been approved by the World Trade Organisation (WTO).

Plantation Industries and Commodities Minister Dr Mohd Khairuddin Aman Razali said the second application was approved by a Dispute Settlement Body (DSB) meeting under the WTO last Friday after the first application was rejected by the EU on April 28.

He said Malaysia, which remained committed in pursuing legal action against the EU in line with the Cabinet’s decision on July 1, 2020, filed the case on Jan 15, 2021.

“As the world’s second largest producer of palm oil, Malaysia regrets the EU’s treatment of palm oil compared to other vegetable oils,” he said in a statement Monday.

Mohd Khairuddin said Malaysia’s action was necessary in protecting the interests of the country’s palm oil industry which has made a significant contribution to the country’s socio -economic development, especially to smallholders.

He said the ministry, in collaboration with the Attorney-General’s Chambers and the Ministry of International Trade and Industry, will undertake the necessary preparations to defend the country’s palm oil industry.

“The application was because of the lack of a solution during the consultations held with the EU on March 17, 2021,” he said.