Medical Care

Death Toll From Malaysia’s Floods Rises To 47

KUALA LUMPUR, The number of people who died in the massive floods in Malaysia has risen to 47 as of yesterday, authorities said.

Besides those confirmed dead, at least another five individuals have been reported missing, Inspector-General of Police, Acryl Sani Abdullah Sani said, in a statement.

The number of displaced people due to the floods, had dropped to some 32,934, in five states as of 10:00 p.m. last night, according to data, from the Malaysian social welfare department.

The worst-hit state remains Pahang, along the east coast of Peninsula Malaysia, with over 17,000 people being evacuated to flood relief centres, followed by Selangor state with over 15,000 evacuated.

Meanwhile, the country’s drainage and irrigation department, warned of floods in the east coast states of Kelantan and Terengganu from Dec 30 to 31.

The flood forecast was issued, following a significant weather warning by the meteorological department, until the end of the year.

Source: Nam News Network