
Israeli Public Opinion Poll Shows Majority Support for Truce Continuation, Hostage Swap with Hamas

Israel, a recent public opinion poll revealed that 54 percent of Israelis are in favor of continuing the humanitarian pause in the Gaza Strip and supporting the hostage swap deal between Israel and Hamas. The Lazar Institute conducted the poll, which involved a random sample of 603 Israelis, before the end of the humanitarian pauses on Friday morning and the resumption of Israel’s military actions in Gaza.

According to Philippines News Agency, published in the Hebrew newspaper Maariv on Friday, a majority of Israeli citizens are supportive of maintaining the pause in Gaza in exchange for the daily release of Hamas captives. The poll indicated that while 54 percent of respondents back the continuation of the pause and delaying efforts to overthrow Hamas, only 25 percent are against it. Twenty-one percent of those surveyed did not provide a specific answer, and the poll had a maximum margin of error of 3.7 percent.

Following the end of the humanitarian pause, Israel resumed its military operations against the Gaza Strip early Friday, targeting various areas in the north, center, and south of the strip. The ministry in Gaza reported dozens of deaths and injuries as a result of these strikes. At least 32 Palestinians were killed, and many others injured in the resumed Israeli strikes within hours after the pause ended.

The pause between Israel and Hamas, which began on November 24, concluded on Friday morning.