Medical Care

Jade Mine Landslide Kills 12 In Myanmar’s Northernmost State

YANGON– At least 12 people were killed and dozens went missing, when a landslide hit a jade mine in Myanmar’s northernmost Kachin state, late last night, local police said today.

“A landslide occurred last night. Nearly 40 jade scavengers were buried. 12 bodies have been found this morning and rescue operation is underway,” the police said.

The death toll could be higher, in the landslide that struck an old jade mining site in Mat Lin Chaung village, in Hpakant township of Kachin state, at 22:35 p.m. local time, a local resident said.

Deadly landslides are frequent in Kachin state, especially in Hpakant mining region.

Many locals make their living by scavenging jade in the region and most of the landslides are caused by partial collapse of the tailing heaps or dams.

A major fatal landslide occurred at a jade mining site in Hpakant township in July, 2020, leaving 174 dead and 54 others injured.