

MELAKA: Melaka recorded an increase of 4.94 per cent in zakat (tithe) collection, to RM66.9 million, from Jan 1 to May 16 this year, covering property and personal tithes, compared with RM63.7 million collected in the same period last year.

Chief Minister Datuk Seri Ab Rauf Yusoh said out of that amount, personal tithe recorded a collection of RM6.18 million, an increase of 7.41 per cent compared with last year.

‘Last year, Zakat Melaka collected a total of RM128.3 million in zakat, and this year we aim to collect RM135 million, to ensure that the collected zakat can be fully distributed to the rightful asnaf recipients,” he told reporters here, last night.

He said this after the 2023 Zakat Melaka Excellence Service Award (APC) ceremony, which was also attended by the State Education, Higher Education and Religious Affairs Committee chairman, Datuk Rahmad Mariman.

He said that, until March this year, the state Islamic Religious Council (MAIM) has disbursed RM35.2 million in zakat funds to eight groups of
eligible asnaf, to ensure their survival.

In the meantime, he said that Zakat Melaka needs to creatively use technology and social media platforms to spread information about the importance of paying zakat, as enshrined in the pillars of Islam, to attract the interest of the people who pay zakat.

‘I want the Melaka Zakat staff to be aware of the current technological changes, and need to adapt to them, along with the people’s acceptance, so that the zakat payment process can be carried out more easily and quickly,’ he said.

Meanwhile, in other developments, Ab Rauf said that the Melaka government will improve the existing bureaucratic system, especially in the aspect of purchasing learning equipment, including chairs and desks, involving Sekolah Rendah Agama (SRA), under the Melaka Islamic Religious Department (JAIM).

He said that the move was to ensure that what occurred at SRA in Jasin did not recur, for the comfort of the students and to facilitate the teaching and learning process.

‘The state governm
ent will look, monitor and provide methods of improvement so that the bureaucratic system in this purchase (tables and chairs) can also be expedited since the budget was approved last December,’ he said.

Ab Rauf said that not all SRAs under the purview of JAIM are in a dilapidated state and that all purchases of learning equipment have been well-managed since 2020.

‘A total of 95 per cent of the facilities and learning equipment, including chairs and tables, at the school have been completed…only equipment for one class has not arrived yet,” he said.

He also said that the matter has been resolved between the Merlimau assemblyman, who is also the state Rural Development and Food Security Committee chairman Dr Muhamad Akmal Saleh, and JAIM officials.

‘I would like to thank Dr Akmal for expediting the purchase of the chairs and tables, using his own money to help the school,’ he said.

Source: BERNAMA News Agency