
MFAIC and NA’s 5th Commission Hold Working Discussion

A senior delegation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation (MFAIC) held here at the National Assembly (NA) Palace on Feb. 22 a working discussion with the NA Commission on Foreign Affairs, International Cooperation and Information (5th Commission).

The MFAIC side was led by H.E. SOK Chenda Sophea, Deputy Prime Minister, Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, while the NA’s 5th Commission was led by its Chairperson H.E. Sous Yara. Representatives of the NA’s different commissions were also in attendance.

According to an MFAIC’s news release, H.E. Deputy Prime Minister briefed the 5th Commission on the current regional and international situation and its impact on Cambodia and highlighted the implementation of foreign policy of the Royal Government of Cambodia’s Pentagonal Strategy and some main achievements in foreign affairs and international cooperation during the six months period since the current government took office on Aug. 22, 2023.

H.E. SOK Chenda Soph
ea and the 5th Commission also exchanged views on strengthening relations and cooperation between the MFAIC and the NA as well as the 5th Commission.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse