
“Noppadol” credits all agencies to suppress ghost sims and horse accounts.

Noppadol” Pointing out the success in defeating the ghost sim-horse account. Credit to all relevant agencies. Ready to support the government “Pae Thongtarn” to solve the problem of call center gangs, suggesting to quickly return money to fraudulent victims.

Mr. Nopadol Karanika, a cybersecurity scholar at Siam College of Technology expressed his appreciation for the active work of the Royal Thai Police Agency under the leadership of Lt. Col. Kitrat. Panpetch The Deputy Commissioner of the National Police and the Director of the Information Technology Crime Suppression Center (ICT) were able to mobilize forces with various agencies to arrest more than 2,100 perpetrators of ghost sim and horse accounts in just 16 days from September 10-25, 2024, which exceeded the target by four times.

Mr. Nopadol said that the work of various agencies such as the Ministry of Digital Economy and Society, the Anti-Money Laundering Office (AMLA), the NBTC, Bank of Thailand and mobile phone service companies. Demonstrate coope
ration and effectiveness of cyber security operations. This has a positive impact on Thai society. Especially in dealing with technological crimes decisively.

Mr. Nopadol also suggested that in order to enhance future operations, real-time data monitoring technology should be developed to analyze and detect abnormal use of SIM cards and bank accounts.

This was on September 26. Lt. Gen. Kitrat Panpetch The Deputy Commissioner of Police issued a public announcement to the public to check their phone numbers and Mobile Banking accounts. If you have an inactive number or account, you should immediately cancel it. The owner of the number will be prosecuted according to the law.

The same is true for Lt. Gen. Ekthanat Limsangkat. Deputy Secretary General of the National Security Council. According to the report, there are currently more than 500,000 accounts at risk of becoming horse accounts, and a bill is being drafted to refund victims from these accounts. It is expected that the refund process will start by e
arly 2025.

Mr. Nopadol added that the PPP. The development of the law should be completed as soon as possible, along with the development of automatic horse account detection tools, and cooperation with banks and mobile phone operators. This is to increase the strictness of identity verification and prevent the opening of accounts or SIM cards that are not thoroughly verified.

However, the suppression of ghost sims and horse accounts still needs to be carried out continuously. In October, The Royal Thai Police Agency plans to launch a new crackdown to continue to eradicate the problem of technological crimes.

Source: Thai News Agency