
PM Hun Sen Asks JCA to Encourage More Japanese Investors to Cambodia

Cambodian Prime Minister Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen has asked the Japan-Cambodia Association (JCA) to help encourage more Japanese investors to invest in Cambodia and boost the export of Cambodian products to Japan.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen made the request while receiving a courtesy call from H.E. Takahashi Fumiaki, JCA President and former Japanese Ambassador to Cambodia, at the Peace Palace in Phnom Penh this afternoon, according to H.E. Eang Sophalleth, Personal Assistant to the Cambodian Premier.

Samdech Techo Prime Minister underlined that Cambodia has a new Investment Law which provides favourable conditions for investments in the country.

He also informed his guest of the Royal Government’s plan to provide vocational training to some 1.5 million youths from poor and vulnerable families, and sought JCA’s continued assistance to Cambodian human resource development.

For his part, H.E. Takahashi Fumiaki briefed Samdech Techo Hun Sen of JCA’s current activities, saying that it is organing a forum promoting Cambodia’s investment potential among Japanese people and small and medium enterprises (SMEs) eying investment opportunities in foreign countries, and promoting human resource development in the fields of cosmetics, automotive repair, and hospitality.

JCA has also been working on the organisation of the 70th anniversary of the establishment of Cambodia-Japan diplomatic ties with the planned display of fireworks on Sept. 19, 2023; and the promotion of the export of Cambodian products to Japanese markets, added the JCA president.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse