
Restoration of Angkor Wat’s Southern Central Stairs and Naga Balustrade Completed

The APSARA National Authority has successfully completed the restoration of the southern central stairs and Naga balustrade on the ground floor of Angkor Wat Temple in Siem Reap province.

According to the APSARA National Authority, the renovation project commenced on May 15, 2024, and concluded on Aug. 15, 2024.

Mr. Soy Sophearin, Head of the Angkor Wat restoration site, explained that prior to the repairs, the Naga balustrade had collapsed and was in a state of disrepair, making it unstable. The restoration process involved two main phases: first, reinforcing the platform, followed by restoring the Naga balustrade to its original position.

Mr. Sophearin expressed optimism that the restored Naga balustrade will now be sturdy enough to accommodate visitors safely, alleviating concerns about potential collapse. The restoration team employed appropriate techniques to ensure the longevity of the structure.

In addition to this project, the APSARA National Authority is actively assessing other areas for future
restoration efforts to enhance the preservation of archaeological sites.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse