
Restoration of the Southern Gate of Ta Prohm Temple

The Southern Gate of Ta Prohm Temple, which had completely collapsed several years ago, is undergoing a significant restoration process, according to the APSARA National Authority’s news release on Sept. 19.

Thanks to a collaboration between the APSARA National Authority and the Archaeological Survey of India (ASI), it added, the gate is beginning to regain its original appearance.

The restoration work commenced in mid-2024, focusing on reinforcing the gate’s foundations and structure after experts spent a year studying stone dismantling techniques, specifically using the Anastylosis method, the source pointed out.

Mr. Chitranjan Kumar, the head of the Ta Prohm restoration site, shared that since early 2023, the team has been diligently dismantling the fallen stones surrounding the gate. They have been identifying stones that have shifted from their original positions to reassemble them accurately.

This process includes repairing broken or damaged stones, conducting archaeological excavations, and perfor
ming soil experiments. By mid-2024, the team successfully repaired and strengthened the foundations of the gates and some walls, following specific patterns. Remarkably, about 95 percent of the original stones have been located and restored to their rightful places.

Mr. Kumar emphasised that the restoration efforts adhere to guidelines set forth by the International Coordinating Committee for the Safeguarding and Development of the Historic Sites of Angkor and Sambor Prei Kuk (ICC-Angkor/Sambor Prei Kuk).

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse