
San Vicente Ferrer Parish declared ‘national cultural treasure’

The San Vicente Ferrer Parish in Calape, Bohol has been formally declared a National Cultural Treasure (NCT), the ninth church in the province to be declared as such by the National Museum of the Philippines (NMP). Tagbilaran Bishop Alberto Uy said the church complex of St. Vincent Ferrer Parish is declared as NCT pursuant to Museum Declaration No. 59-2020. “A prime example of a gothic architectural style, the church complex not only stands as a distinct cultural landmark of our beloved province but a testament to our enduring faith continuously fostering a unique identity and solidarity for our people,” he said in an interview over Church-run Radio Veritas Thursday. The official turnover of the marker was held on Tuesday in conjunction with the celebration of the eve of the parish festival. The bishop attended the ceremony together with Fr. Johnson Inte, the parish priest of the parish; Fr. Nilo Pana, the parochial vicar; Calape Mayor Julilus Caesar Herrera and Rachelle Lacea of NMP-Bohol. The church and town of Calape are all dedicated to San Vicente Ferrer as patron saint and were founded in 1802 where the church is Gothic-inspired. Missionary Augustinian Recollects managed the church until 1898 before being turned over to secular priests. From being a church made of light materials, the construction of the neo-gothic style church began in 1933 and was completed in 1954. Because of the unique design that has been preserved until now, the parish has been called the “epitome of Bohol Gothic” which can be seen inside the church, especially in the altar and confessional. Based on history, Eliseo Josol and Rosalio Real led the construction of Calape Church based on the design of Santo Domingo Church in Intramuros. Also located in the bell tower of the church is the historical bell in 1690 assigned to St. John the Baptist from a church in Cebu. NCT as defined by Republic Act 10066 otherwise known as National Cultural Heritage Act of 2009, shall refer to a unique cultural property found locally, possessing outstanding historical, cultural, artistic and/or scientific value which is highly significant and important to the country and nation, and officially declared as such by the pertinent cultural agency. The San Vicente Ferrer Parish is the ninth church in Bohol that has been recognized as a NCT in addition to churches that have been recognized as a National Historical Landmark and Important Cultural Property.

Source: Philippines News Agency