
Senate President Meets an Old Friend

Senate President Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo Hun Sen received here at the Senate Palace this morning an old friend Mr. Pierre Tami, a social entrepreneur.

In the meeting, Mr. Pierre Tami said he is honoured to work with younger leaders of Cambodia in different fields including hospitality, food production, etc.

Mr. Tami expressed his conviction that with the current trend, Cambodia will achieve her goal to become an upper middle-income economy by 2030.

In response, Samdech Techo Hun Sen said Cambodia has enjoyed peace and stability for more than 25 years since 1998. Eight months ago, a new generation has come to power and as a result, the legacy of peace and economic growth has continued.

The new cabinet works well, maintaining stability and continuing to drive development, the Cambodian senate president underlined.

Samdech Techo Hun Sen recalled his first meeting with Mr. Pierre Tami and his daughter in 1997 in Preah Sihanouk province, and nominated Mr. Pierre Tami as his adviser.

Mr. Pierre Ta
mi is known as Sen Seila, a Khmer name given by Samdech Techo Hun Sen when he was Prime Minister of Cambodia, in recognition of his contribution to Cambodia’s development.

Source: Agence Kampuchea Presse